Alex Pita week 7 devlog

Magnet marble mania gameplay pictures (images too big to attatch on the devlog)-

1 In your area, what were your team's goals for the past week?

Last week my team's goals were to make a 6-player board concept and presentation for magnet marble mania.

2 In your area, which of these goals have been accomplished by the team?

Both goals were finished but the 6-player board will be discontinued due to being too difficult to work with.

3 In your area, what are the team's goals for next week?

Next week our goals are refining the board again and come up with a design that has look and function to it.

4 As an individual, what have you accomplished in the past week?

I have made a new design for the board and have attached it to the devlog

5 As an individual, what will you accomplish by next week to stay on time?

I will do my best to work on the macro even when on jury duty.

6 As an individual, what will you need to learn to accomplish these goals?

I will need to do the macro on my spare time when doing jury duty.

7 You must have at least 1 visual aid per WDL (diagrams, sketches, screenshots, etc.).

1 What were you playtesting? For example, an analog prototype with a description, a specific level of the alpha build, etc.

An analog prototype was being playtested.

2 What did you want to learn through this playtest?

We wanted to learn how to rearrange the rules and make gameplay better according to feedback.

3 Who were your playtesters? Do they represent your target audience?

The playtesters were from project sos and monster beats and they target our target audience.

4 What did you observe? What did you see when they were playing? Did they interact the way you expected?

They had a lot of fun because the rules made the game competitive and engaging.

5 What questions did you ask your playtesters after they played the game?

"are you winning?" "Are the rules clear?" "What are things that this game can improve upon.?"

6 What feedback did you receive from your players?

They said the game was fun but the board was tilted which made it hard to play on. the marbles need a dedicated space to be on before being thrown. 

7 What, if anything, will you do with that feedback? Did you learn anything?

I will use the feedback to improve the game. I learned that making games of any kind is a neverending process.

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